LáShaun Jenice

2 min

You were made for this

It's your time, you were chosen.

The Bible says in 1 Peter, 2:9, that you are a chosen generation and a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

You know, that whole idea of being chosen. When you are chosen, you cannot get away with things that other people may get away with—because you’re chosen to accomplish something—to do something.

Chosen means you are being chosen out of something. In this particular verse out of darkness, into light. So being chosen out of, we were chosen out of God. That means you were in God and He chose you out of himself. Not out of your mom, not out of your dad, but out of Himself before the foundation of the world, the Bible says you were chosen.

Eleven years ago, I pled guilty to a crime that held a minimum sentence of 15 years and a maximum sentence of 25 years. While in jail, waiting for my sentencing hearing, I turned on a YouTube virtual worship service. I don't remember what the sermon title was, but I only remember the preacher saying, "you were chosen for this." Within two weeks of that message, I was released from jail, never sentenced, never went back to court, never summoned. Three years ago that guilty case was expunged from my record. Why did that happen to me? Why did I have to go through that situation?

Many people assume it was a faulty judicial system or misfiling, but I know why. Because I'm chosen. You and I were both chosen. And when we’re chosen… think of all the things that God protected you from that you may not even be aware of because He has something that He wants you to accomplish.

God's plans for me were to equip ministries, entrepreneurs, and organizations with the tools to deliver impactful and life-changing messages to all people where ever they may be located.

My thought for you today is to remember you were marked by God because you are chosen. He’s got his eyes upon you. You weren’t saved from something just, so you can do whatever you want. You were saved to be something. To fulfill a purpose here on the earth.

I wish you an awesome day as you go deeper with God, knowing today, you were chosen.